I’ve taken to writing these on the netbook when I get a chance and downloading them onto the net when we find a McDonalds (free wifi!) so as I write this we’re camped in a lay-by about 1000m up in absolute pitch darkness with gob smacking characteristic Swiss views awaiting us in the morning outside. We had a good long drive around all the little roads locally, turning at the dead ends in lots of farms before we settled here, so have taken lots of nice pics of dramatically sloping grass meadows with cute wooden homes and light brown cows roaming all over. I was very excited when we first heard the huge clonking cow bells they all wear- like a discordant burbling brook but now I’m rather glad the coos have either gone in or gone to sleep for the night. May be a good morning alarm call though.
The Jean Tunstil museum was excellent- really inspiring to see his very simple early pieces (thinking I may have a go), through to his far more complex ones for example the F1 racing car pictured here opened out like a transformer that flaps it’s bat like wings and flaps and swivels various other parts when you press the on button on the floor in front. It’s about 13ft high. He was a very interesting guy, much of his attitude made me laugh and despair at the same time at his ill thought through approaches on many levels. You should Google him to find out more.
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