Thursday 22 December 2011

Finding our 'Foo'

We were surprised to awake to at least a foot more snow and it was snowing still. By the end of the day it had been at least half a meter- as the snow on the car testified! I was still feeling a bit tired but Alex was keen and we extended our hotel reservation went up anyway. I'm glad we did- I didn't fully find my 'foo', (despite repeating all the excellent pointers my dad has given me over the years which really help- I always think of him on the slopes), but I did get a lot better in the day. To be fair, my usual style wouldn't have worked anyway- none of the the new snow had been piste bashed so, until enough people had been down them, all the slopes were like being off piste and when they had, soft puffy mogals quickly formed which were interesting to negotiate- sorry about all this detail to non skiers but those that know what I mean can sympathise! It was good though and we both made it through the whole day without stamina issues. The cheesy rolls from the bakery were tasty and we spent our food budget on hot wine and hot chocolates- much better than the cafeteria food. I complained loudly with another English guy in one of the few lift queues about the lack of piste bashing -they were using the machine as a folk lift to cart around beer instead. I then ended up sharing a T-bar with the person behind me- a local man of mature years who patiently explained, (in excellent English) that they couldn't go up until it had stopped snowing but he was very nice about it! We finished the day significantly less tired than the one before and even managed to go out to the nice, cheaper place for dinner. We consumed a whole bottle of wine between us too- the most we've drunk the whole trip I think, especially since the Muslim countries, but it was an exceptionally tasty locally produced bottle. Two courses and the wine for about 8 GB pounds each- much better value and delicious food yet again. If I could be sure that they bash the pistes sufficiently I would definitely return here for a dedicated ski holiday and to the same hotel. We shall see...

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